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How We Help

How We Help

Suicide Prevention UK is an award winning Suicide Prevention charity.

We help anyone who may be struggling with their mental health and/or thoughts of suicide. Our volunteers use their skills, training and empathetic approach to offer a non-judgmental listening ear to help people in what could be their darkest hour. Our volunteers aim to signpost individuals to the most relevant support available to them at that time, to get them the help they deserve.

Our service is available via our helpline - National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK, social media and face to face out in the community. 

How can I help?

How can I help?

We rely on public donations to be able to continue the lifesaving work we do in preventing suicide across the UK.

Every 90 minutes a friend or loved one is lost through suicide in the UK. With your help we can give people the information and support they desperately need to help them through their most darkest hours.

Even a small donation goes such a long way. Every penny goes directly back into saving lives. We make zero profit and rely solely on selfless volunteers to help us continue our vital work. 

Can I Volunteer With You?

Can I Volunteer With You?

The Suicide Prevention Team rely on volunteers who believe that every person deserves care, compassion and empathy in their time of need. They help people whoever they are, and whatever their situation, with a non-judgemental approach.

Our volunteers come from a whole range of backgrounds, from gardeners to social care, chefs and IT. An understanding of mental health goes a long way in supporting others if they are struggling.

How We Work: 

Suicide Prevention UK works closely with other organisations to be able to signpost to the most relevant support for individuals in their time of need. 

We have various volunteer positions to suit, including call handlers for our helpline, team members for our active patrols and help with our fundraising team.

What Difference Does it Make? 

SP-UK make a really positive impact on people's lives and mental wellbeing. Individuals get the chance to see that they are not alone and that there is support out there. We take the time to listen and help in a potentially life-threatening crisis. In turn, our interventions can massively reduce the workload of the emergency services.

Our volunteers get a huge sense of achievement, due to the fact they are helping the most vulnerable people in their times of need. Our volunteers are a huge credit to the charity and beyond.

Volunteer Resources: 

SP-UK is committed to supporting it’s volunteers to enable them to undertake their roles safely and effectively.

We do this by providing a comprehensive recruitment process, high quality training, a volunteer pack with advice and guidance, and ensuring volunteers have access to support themselves should they need it.


To Join Us Please Click Here:

Volunteer With Us

Confidentiality Promise

Confidentiality Promise

Sometimes there is a need to tell someone else but we will do our best (where possible) to tell you before this happens. We'd only need to say or do something if:

  • You ask us to.
  • We believe your life or someone else's life is in danger.
  • You tell us that you're seriously hurting another person or that another person is hurting you.
  • We believe a child is at risk.

Our helpline:

0800 587 0800

Option 1:

National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK

Option 2:

Suicide Prevention UK General Enquiries

Option 3:

Suicide Prevention BRISTOL - General Enquiries & Local Outreach


Our partners

  • Strategic Thinking
  • Elecsec
  • RAC Logo
  • Promote Online Logo
  • Helplines Partnership Logo
  • National Suicide Prevention Alliance Logo
  • Zero Suicide Alliance Logo
  • Empower Develop People Logo
  • Association of Mental Health Providers Logo
  • Mental Health First Aid England Logo
  • Burges Salmon Logo
  • South West Construction Logo
  • Bath BID
  • First Bus
  • Build Life House